Further Studies and Extra-curricular Activities

Further Studies and Extra-curricular Activities

(1) Further Studies of Our Graduates︰

English is adopted as the medium of instruction.

Number of classes in each form is 5. The total number of classes is 30.


(2) Further Studies of Our Graduates︰

In 2023, 123 of our graduates received an offer to study a bachelor’s degree programme at local universities via JUPAS.

60 of our graduates which is nearly half of all our graduates are going to study a bachelor’s degree programme in one of the following renowned local universities, i.e. the University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The bachelor’s degree programmes at local universities that our graduates study: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Pharmacy; Bachelor of Science (Honours) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences in Physiotherapy; Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology; Bachelor of Science (Honours) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography; Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis (IFAA); Bachelor of Risk Management Science; Bachelor of Professional Accountancy etc.


(3) Results of the HKDSE 2023:

The percentage of our students who meet the admission requirements for bachelor’s degree programmes at local universities with ‘33222’ in core subjects is 88%.

The average credit rates of all subjects reached 60% with all subjects attaining better results than Hong Kong’s norm.

Among all subjects, Physics has 90% credit rates and Biology has 82% credit rates.

20 of our students attained at least 2 subjects of 5**/5* or scored 30 marks in their best 6 subjects.

2 of our students attained at 3 subjects of 5** and are going to study Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in the University of Hong Kong.


(4) Extra-curricular Activities:

Our school clubs are divided into five categories, i.e. academics, arts, sports, social services and hobbies. More than 70 different kinds of clubs have been organised. Some of which are as follows,


Mathematical Olympiad Club , Physics Olympiad Club, Marine Ecology Club, Biological Technology Club, S-TEAM, etc.


Handbell Ensemble, Orchestra, Chinese Orchestra, Choir,  Various ball Team, Cycling Team, Immigration Department Youth Leaders Corps, 3D Printing Club, Robot programming Club, etc.